“The Contractors Collective” 
is a One-of-a-kind Private Membership Group of Smart, Successful, Like-Minded
Contractors Who Understand:
  • Strengthening internal systems and building a strong dependable team is vital for survival… 
  • ​​Building strong professional relationships is a key strategy for navigating an unstable economy…
  • ​Tapping into the collective experience, knowledge and know how of other successful contractors is the surest way to find solutions to problems, quickly!
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
“The Contractors Collective”  
is a One-of-a-kind Program of Smart, Successful, Like-Minded 
Contractors Who Understand:
  • Strengthening internal systems and building a strong dependable team is vital for survival… 
  • ​​Building strong professional relationships is a key strategy for navigating an unstable economy…
  • ​Tapping into the collective experience, knowledge and know-how of other successful contractors is the surest way to find solutions to problems, quickly!
"Go from the struggle and overwhelm of figuring things out on your own, to having clarity and confidence in knowing how to make a consistent profit, build a great team, and create consistent results – no matter what the economy is doing!
Dear Contractor Business Owner,

There is so much economic uncertainty these days (labor shortage, supply chain issues, inflation, increasing interest rates to name a few) that make “business-as-usual” all but impossible, which is exactly why I’ve created The Contractors Collective program.

The most important lesson I’ve learned over my long career is that “when times get tough, the last thing you want to try and do is, go it alone!”

For over 25 years I’ve been helping contractors like you build the kinds of businesses they never dreamed possible. On average, the kind of results my clients regularly experience is…
150% increase of net profits (often year over year)
75% increase in employee retention
100% increase in employee accountability and ownership
200 % increase in time off
350% Increase in cash reserves
Drastic increase in peace of mind and joy in what they do again 
150% increase of net profits
75% decrease in employee turnover
100% increase in employee accountability and ownership
200 % increase in time off
350% Increase in cash reserves
Drastic increase in peace of mind and joy in what they do again – priceless!
You might be thinking… Are those kinds of number still possible in the crazy economy we find ourselves in today?
You might be thinking… Are those kinds of number still possible in the crazy economy we find ourselves in today?
…the answer is, absolutely, YES!!
…the answer is, absolutely, YES!!
150% increase of net profits
75% decrease in employee turnover
100% increase in employee accountability and ownership
200 % increase in time off
350% Increase in cash reserves
Drastic increase in peace of mind and joy in what they do again – priceless!
Watch the video below to learn more, then continue reading for complete details
Registration for The Contractors Collective is currently closed. Add your name to the waitlist below to be notified when registration re-opens.
Weak Spots Are Like Kryptonite to Your Business
In order to thrive, you MUST:
  • Intimately know your numbers… so you can have more control over your profits. I’ll help simplify this process and harness the right data, without stress.
  • ​Have rock-solid internal systems in place… so tasks get completed and goals get achieve with laser like precision.
  • ​Understand the process of building a strong team that takes ownership of their duties… This will reduce stress and give you more free time to do the things you love.
  • Have access to proven time saving tools and resources, that eliminate guesswork and help you avoid the frustration of starting from scratch through trial and error.
  • ​Develop professional relationships so you can access real-world feedback to solve problems and challenges as they arise.
Without those things, chances are good you will struggle mightily in the weeks, months, and years ahead.
The Big Vision for The Contractors Collective
The Contractors Collective delivers the high-level support and guidance, that until now was only available to my private 1x1 clients, who regularly pay up to $32,000/year…

Your membership will help you develop clearer strategic thinking and total mastery in your ability to understand what drives consistent profitability, while having direct access to proven step-by-step systems, processes and time saving tools to confidently produce sustainable results.

The level of elevated support you'll get in The Contractors Collective eliminates uncertainty by helping you understand the fundamental drivers and levers that produce results without all the stress and guesswork of trying to figure it out on your own.

                                 You’ll gain the necessary muscle memory to be able to develop consistent, long-term success…
I got my life back!
We’re more strategic in how we run our business, and not everything in the company goes through my partner and I anymore! 

Alison Heather, Principle
Heather & French Painting, Inc.

I put in half the time and get twice done!
Before I worked with Vicki my business was running me.  I was putting in 80-100 hrs. a week...


Bill Darrah
President, Bill Darrah Builders, Inc.

As a member of The Contractors Collective you’ll be able to…
  • Simplify and streamline your systems – My proven step-by-step approach eliminates guesswork.  You'll get a ton of "done for you" processes, procedures and systems - saving you hundreds of hours.
  • Make a consistent profit – I’ll simplify the process of understanding your numbers and how to ensure your pricing and feedback let you reach your profitability goals.
  • ​Attract A-players to your team – Proven A to Z process for building your dream team.  
  • ​Get consistent results from your staff- No more micromanaging and chasing after people for results.  Discover how to get your team to take ownership and follow through - consistently
  • ​Work fewer hours – Reduce stress and frustration and spend more time doing things you love by knowing how to get the right feedback when you need it.
  • ​Recession-proof your company – You’ll gain peace of mind of knowing you can handle whatever the economy throws at you.
  • And so MUCH MORE!
The overarching goal of The Contractors Collective is to help you reduce uncertainty, stress, and overwhelm, increase profits, gain more free time, and rekindle the joy of running your business. 
We Estimate Less and Sell More, and I’m not wearing all the hats!
We had 12 employees, and I was working my butt off wearing 10 different hats. Instead of managing the company, I was continuously putting out fires. No one was happy.

Aaron Gordon, President
AG Construction, Inc.

We increased our profits 300%

Vicki helped me see why our staff was having so much trouble resolving issues. 


Phil Murphy
President, GNU Group, Inc.

The Contractor Collective Success Path 
is Structured into 4 Lazer Focused Quarters.
Quarter 1 - Know this FACT – even in the face of rising prices, inflation, supply chain shortages, and labor challenges, you can still make a solid consistent profit in your contracting business!
Quarter 2 - Knowing how to harness the power of your numbers and data, you will discover a confidence and clarity that you’ve never known before. 
The first critical step is having a clear understanding of where profits are leaking from your business so you can shore up those systems. That includes knowing how to find, recruit and hire great people for your team.

In the first quarter Success Path, I’ll guide you through… 
That confidence and clarity will make you a much better decision maker, and let you harness your ability to create consistent results!

In the second quarter Success Path, I’ll guide you through…
Quarter 3 - As a member of The Contractors Collective, you’ll gain access to the same effective tools and process my 1x1 clients consistently use to get employees to take greater ownership of their duties, produce higher quality more consistent results, and keep their agreements - without you chasing after them.
Quarter 4 - As a member of The Contractors Collective, I’ll give you a simple and highly effective way to have employee embrace change, and happily embrace improvement, and be a partner with you in creating better systems and processes in your business.

The results? 
You can STOP micro-managing and START enjoying more free time to do the things you love.

In the third quarter Success Path, I’ll guide you through…
In this quarter you’ll discover how to get your team to report results to you instead of you always have to initiate.

In the fourth quarter Success Path, I’ll guide you through…
Quarter 1 - Know this FACT – even in the face of rising prices, inflation, supply chain shortages, and labor challenges, you can still make a solid consistent profit in your contracting business!
The first critical step is having a clear understanding of where profits are leaking from your business so you can shore up those systems. That includes knowing how to find, recruit and hire great people for your team.

In the first quarter Success Path, I’ll guide you through… 
Quarter 2 - Knowing how to harness the power of your numbers and data, you will discover a confidence and clarity that you’ve never known before. 
That confidence and clarity will make you a much better decision maker, and let you harness your ability to create consistent results!

In the second quarter Success Path, I’ll guide you through…
Quarter 3 - As a member of The Contractors Collective, you’ll gain access to the same effective tools and process my 1x1 clients consistently use to get employees to take greater ownership of their duties, produce higher quality more consistent results, and keep their agreements - without you chasing after them.
The results? 

You can STOP micro-managing and START enjoying more free time to do the things you love.

In the third quarter Success Path, I’ll guide you through…
Quarter 4 - As a member of The Contractors Collective, I’ll give you a simple and highly effective way to have employee embrace change, and happily embrace improvement, and be a partner with you in creating better systems and processes in your business.
In this quarter you’ll discover how to get your team to report results to you instead of you always have to initiate.

In the fourth quarter Success Path, I’ll guide you through…
To ensure we optimize the results you’ll gain from each quarter,
I’ve built in an ongoing support structure that includes:
Monthly 2 hour Live Training and Coach
  • ​The Specific 30-minue training related to that month’s Success Path Focus
  • ​1 hour coaching session – providing timely coaching, real world feedback
  • ​Draw on our collective experience to address specific concerns you may be facing

Dozens of practical tools and resources to ensure your success!
  • Industry specific training videos, checklists, systems and processes
  • ​Time saving templates that walk you through each step, eliminating any guesswork
  • ​Industry leading resources available at the click of a button
Private and secure community just for members
  • Ask questions and get input from Vicki
  • ​Have a place to get input and bounce ideas off of your peers 
  • Know you're not alone - make connections with like-minded contractors
  • ​A powerful place to get the input you need when you need it
We were able to keep our business running and profitable when the economy was faltering
“We’d already been working with Vicki for a few years when the recession hit. Because of Vicki, we hadn’t blown through our profits in the good years…

Glenn David Mathews,
CEO of ARG Conservation Services (Early Retiree)

Following Vicki’s advice, 
our profits consistently grew 
year over year
I wanted the company to grow, and, based on gross sales, it appeared as if it was. But when I met with Vicki and she started asking me some very basic questions…

Kevin Waldron,
Former CEO of Olympia Restoration (business sold)

Membership Has ONE CATCH:
Before I share the price of membership, I have to mention…
I’m limiting the number of participants I’m accepting into the group to ensure a high-quality experience for all.

You should only join if you are truly ready to transform your business and your life.

As we build momentum in this unique community the power of the collective mind will shine a bright light onto what is possible for your business and your life.

As you can see The Contractors Collective is purposefully designed to give you direct access to the resources, tools, and guidance you need to make a consistent profit, build a highly efficient and dedicated team, which will give you greater peace of mind in running your contracting business!

You didn’t get where you currently are overnight, it took time– and creating the improvements necessary to THRIVE in today’s economic environment will also take time to master.

That’s why the The Contractors Collective is built around a group format. It allows you to have access to the ideas, advice, and feedback of dozens of experienced, solution oriented and success focused contractors, who can help you move through any problem or challenge you face.

Best of all, the The Contractors Collective is designed to grow with you and deliver the same dynamic results my 1x1 clients get, because it’s built on the same proven strategies and processes and gives you access to the same time saving tools and resources, I use with them.

And because The Contractors Collective is built around a group dynamic; your membership comes in at a tiny fraction of the annual $32,000 fee private clients pay.
One Time Payment
Payment Plan
We Have Right Staff 
in the Right Seats
Most small businesses struggle to understand the right framework for building the right staff. 


Peter B. Lau, Vice President & Partner
Forde Mazzola Assoc., Inc.

Working with Vicki has completely changed the course of my business. 
Implementing Vicki’s approach to managing the business based on solid data and feedback has given me greater peace of mind about the financial wellbeing of my company.

Mead Quin, President,
Mead Quin Design, Inc.

It turns out, people like knowing what they're supposed to do!
It sounds ridiculous now, but I thought creating formal job descriptions was a waste of time. 

Dan Greeson, Vice President
Matrix, HG, Inc.

Now I’m managing results, and not just conversations
I always felt like I could "see" whether someone was doing a good job or not. 

Catherine Baldi, President
Arana Craftsman Painters, Inc.

You have a very important chose to make…

You can choose to keep doing what you’re doing and continue to stress and struggle trying to figure everything out yourself through trial and error, hoping things will somehow magically work out if you just keep working hard…


You can stack the deck in your favor and make the smart choice by joining The Contractors Collective with a couple dozen successful, motivated peers and get the clarity, confidence, and resources you need to build a far more successful contracting business.

Make the choice that helps your teams take ownership, and you make a consistent profit, while having a greater amount of free time to do more of the things you love.

Make the choice that helps you sleep better at night knowing your systems are firing on all cylinders and know your business can run well without your day-to-day involvement.

Make the smart choice and join The Contractors Collective, today.
P.S. The Contractor Collective program is strictly limited to just 10 members, so claim your spot now, before someone else does.

The Contractors Collective is the best solution for helping you successfully navigate uncertain times with confidence and certainty.

Join The Contractors Collective today and choose to have a contracting business that thrives!
Frequently Asked Questions
Suiter Business Builders